TB News – Today's Business https://tbsmo.com New Jersey Digital Advertising Tue, 11 May 2021 16:43:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.8.1 https://tbsmo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/tb_black-150x114.png TB News – Today's Business https://tbsmo.com 32 32 2021 Digital Marketing News and Updates: March-April https://tbsmo.com/tb-news/2021-digital-marketing-news-and-updates-march-april/ Tue, 11 May 2021 14:32:35 +0000 https://tbsmo.com/?p=4350 Welcome to Today’s Business’s second edition of 2021 Digital Marketing News and Updates! Right here, you can discover some choice information about digital marketing events and changes. This edition focuses primarily on data changes that have been happening over the past couple of months. Recent News and Updates in Digital Marketing FLoC is Coming Soon  […]

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Welcome to Today’s Business’s second edition of 2021 Digital Marketing News and Updates! Right here, you can discover some choice information about digital marketing events and changes. This edition focuses primarily on data changes that have been happening over the past couple of months.

Recent News and Updates in Digital Marketing

FLoC is Coming Soon 

On March 15, 2021, Google mentioned they will not be using alternate identifiers to trace users for advertising reasons. Instead, Google will use FLoC, which has an algorithm that will investigate the URLs of sites that the user visited and the page’s content. Two challenges that FLoC faces are privacy concerns and targeting. Regarding privacy concerns, grouping users into cohorts can hide each individual within a crowd, but extricating data from individuals is an issue. Meanwhile, for targeting, the options will not change, but advertisers will target cohorts that compose of many people, unlike particular people. 

TB Take: It remains to be seen whether FLoC will satisfy the long term cookie-less future that privacy advocates are clamoring for. However, if it satisfies privacy concerns, we will have a better happy medium for marketing analysis.

Facebook Analytics is Shutting Down June 30th 

On April 1, 2021, Facebook Analytics announced it will no longer be operating after June 30, 2021. This announcement caught the attention of many marketers, as they relied on this tool. There will be three 1:1 business tools when Facebook Analytics is removed. The first is Facebook Business Suite which lets users control their business accounts. Information about a business’s trends, content, and audience will be included. The second, Ads Managers, allows businesses to see results for Facebook ads and campaigns, in addition to view, and modify changes. Last, there is Events Manager. This tool helps users to control and arrange Conversions API and Facebook Pixel. 

TB Take: The most important thing that users will need to keep in mind is exporting any pertinent data before expiration.

Google: Quality Issue if Copied Content Outranks Original  

On March 12, 2021, John Mueller from Google explained that duplicate content copied above an original source can cause a quality issue. Mohammad Medhi Abas, site owner, discussed with Mueller that his content is being taken and republished by other sites. The problem is that the stolen content is being ranked above Mohammad’s own. If content is being published without the owner’s permission, one option is the DMCA takedown procedure. The result is that site owners can report stolen content on a per-page basis to Google. If there is evidence that the content was copied without consent, Google may eliminate the page. Another option is reassessing site quality. Google’s algorithms may have difficulty seeing the quality of your site. Also, Muller makes note that Google can discern which site it should trust based on the quality. 

TB Take: This is a perfect example of why content is king, but it’s not the only factor that matters. Hijacking content has happened since the beginning of SEO. The best counter to this is to establish strong copyright policies on the website. We are happy to discuss this further with anyone interested.

Artificially Flat URL Structures Have No Benefit 

Google’s John Mueller discussed on March 28, 2021 that Google is not worried about the number of slashes in a URL. This does not determine the page’s importance or the probability that Google is to surface the page in search results. Also, the URL site structure may be used however the user wishes. Google looks at URLs as identifiers of content and does not harm the site.

TB Take: This alleviates concerns for mega sites that have several clusters of content that go deep into sub-topic after sub-topic. However, Google has made several statements like this in the past and data has proven them wrong. We still do not recommend going over three or four folders (slashes) deep, unless it’s absolutely logical.

PageSpeed Insights Scores Updated by Google 

On March 3rd, 2021, Google declared that the scores of PageSpeeds Insights shall increase. PageSpeed Insights is a mechanism that Google uses to give reports on the speed performance of a website. The tool is both mobile and desktop page speed reports and information about problems that were found. PageSpeed Insights has two options of reporting which are lab data and field data. Lab Data is defined as a report generated using internet speeds and simulated devices. Lab Data’s function is to note code-level factors that can allow the user experience to suggest ideas to solve problems and to degrade. Meanwhile, field data is information gathered through users browsing the site with Chrome. It is best for knowing what kind performance site visitors are experiencing. 

TB Take: This is important to note when comparing current vs. previous data. Otherwise, the only thing to keep in mind is that if your site has poor scores after the increase, definitely emphasize improving it while working with your dev team.

Let’s Talk Digital Marketing

Anything happen so far this year that you’re curious about learning more? We’re always game to talk to clients, potential clients, and fellow marketers about what we love. Contact us today to find out more.

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2021 Digital Marketing News and Updates: March 1, 2021 https://tbsmo.com/tb-news/2021-digital-marketing-news-and-updates-march-1-2021/ Mon, 01 Mar 2021 21:25:31 +0000 https://tbsmo.com/?p=4176 The world of digital marketing is rapidly evolving, and it’s only accelerating as the world becomes more and more dependent on digital commerce. With that in mind, Today’s Business is launching a routine digital marketing news and updates post to help users make sense of what’s happening. Recent Digital Marketing News and Updates from January […]

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The world of digital marketing is rapidly evolving, and it’s only accelerating as the world becomes more and more dependent on digital commerce. With that in mind, Today’s Business is launching a routine digital marketing news and updates post to help users make sense of what’s happening.

Recent Digital Marketing News and Updates from January and February of 2021

Advantages of the Pyramid Site Structure

John Mueller of Google confirmed in February 2021 that the Pyramid Site Structure is highly recommended because it allows Google to understand the conditions of several pages and categories on a site. This structure allows one to organize web pages however he or she would like. Back in 2001, one of the first pyramid structure discussions was Webmaster World’s Theme Pyramids discussion. Ideally, in SEO, we want to avoid taking more than 4 clicks to get from the homepage to the destination. Furthermore, the search industry discovered that search engines were searching for themes in web pages and links.

Today’s Business Team’s take:  

If you have a site that is 10-20 pages, you shouldn’t worry about creating a perfect pyramid site structure. There’s not enough pages. But we are always a big proponent of clustering content pieces together by topic. We currently have a client in the health sector that is struggling due to a flat site structure, where as many links as possible are attempted to be placed in the menu to create instant access. The problem the client is currently facing is that many important pages are not ranking because they aren’t featured in the menu. Switching to a pyramid site structure would aid them in creating not just a better understanding for Google, but an easier website to organize and review.

Google Page Experience Explained

May 2021 is the anticipated date for Google’s upcoming update. Google Page Experience will include metrics in Google’s web vitals such as visual stability, loading, and interactivity. Furthermore, people will have convenient access to information. If there is no sense of awareness regarding this new update, there is a risk of your webpage not being visited. Yes, the page experience is important, but the content is crucial because it must compliment the page experience. 

TB’s Take:

Google’s Page Experience update has a lot to do with focusing on how pages load. Ever have a page load and then things stutter and rearrange? It’s a bad experience, and that’s what Google is trying to avoid. Come May, if your site is having a lot of page loading issues, you may be in trouble.

Total Number of Backlinks is Unimportant

On February 19, 2021, Google’s John Mueller established that the total number of backlinks has no correlation to the search algorithm. Instead of having millions of low quality links, there should rather be a good link from an applicable website. One good link from a reliable source can notify Google about how it should manage the page. Furthermore, Google prioritizes relevance in links that link to a specific website. Therefore, the quality of links outweighs the quantity of links. 

TB’s Take:

Mr. Mueller is reaffirming what TB has long held dear. Getting great links is better than getting 100 links from nobodies. We always tell clients to think about who is linking to them as the company you keep. One note, however: adding weaker backlinks is not necessarily a bad thing, especially if you haven’t been getting many good links recently. Creating new link signals to your website tells Google that the site is still active.

Impact of Tags on Rankings

Tags are to assist site users searching for related topics. Also, they are placed at the beginning or the end of an article. Google’s John Mueller stated in February 2021 that tags do not impact ranking on a blog post, but they can go to category pages. This can help Google explore additional pages about related topics. Furthermore, tags are great for making content reappear again since the content may be buried in the category menu structure. Tags may not be great for rankings, but can be useful for Google to explore other category pages.

TB’s Take:

TB continues to support the use of tags, even though we don’t use them on every site. Similar to what was discussed regarding the Pyramid Site Structure, tags are used by Today’s Business to help create content silos, or clusters of relevant content, just like categories. This method primarily deals with blogs, but we see that it’s a long-term play that leaves Google with a greater understanding of the website’s content themes. This eventually leads to better long term rankings.

Duplicate Content Does Not Negatively Affect Rankings 

John Mueller from Google asserted in January 2021 that duplicate content is not a negative search ranking component. To further support this point, Google algorithms are designed to handle duplicate material. If content is repeated on a website, Google will rank one piece of content and not display the other. This will not cause a site to rank lower in search results. Furthermore, Google will just search for the best page that matches with the content. 

TB’s Take:

While this may be true, the danger is if you use duplicate content rather frequently, you may end up with one page ranking and then several others doing nothing, especially if all of the duplicate content is on a gateway sort of page such as “[Service] in [Location]” areas served pages. Three rules of thumb to keep in mind here. 1) If the page is super important, take the extra effort to make content unique. 2) Do not stress over supporting content such as payment methods or insurance accepted. 3) If you’re using duplicate content, pay attention to how much content is actually unique. Chances are 100 words of unique content is not going to rank for a keyword.

Longer Title Tags than Ones Displayed Have SEO Benefits

Google’s Gary Illyes confirmed in February 2021 that title tags longer than what is displayed can actually be a good thing. If the title tag is one sentence or more, there will be no automatic action. Also, the length does not refer to a small number like 160 or 200 characters. Furthermore, there is no determined amount of length for a title tag. 

TB’s Take:

Stressing less over a title tag’s length can definitely save some time. But don’t go nuts with this potentially newfound flexibility. Google also doesn’t want you to keyword stuff your title tags. If you have a legitimate title tag that you are using to describe the page that happens to hit 75, 85, or 90 characters, don’t worry about it moving forward. But Today’s Business will still recommend to keep your title tags concise, and prioritize your most important keyword towards the beginning of the tag.

Keywords Mentioned in Google Search Snippets 

On February 21, 2021, Brodie Clark observed that labels with mobile snippets are found underneath the title. These words are mentioned in the content of the page and the labels are only displayed where they are an applicable reference point. Also, the labels add extra meaning and give categorization prompts. These keywords should be words that internet users are searching for. 

TB’s Take: 

This is potentially an exciting and interesting development in search for Google. It can help SEOs and content creators understand what it takes to show up for a page. Unfortunately, it’s probably going to be only temporary as Google has done experimentation like this before.

Let’s Talk Digital Marketing

Thank you for reading our January/February edition of Today’s Business’s 2021 Digital Marketing News and Updates. Google’s John Mueller and Gary Illyes were certainly busy with enlightening us so far this year, but chances are they aren’t done. Stay tuned for our next edition of news and updates.

Are you wanting to talk more about Digital Marketing? We’re always game. Contact us today with any questions, comments, or concerns you might have.

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7 Ways to Keep Your Team Connected While Working From Home https://tbsmo.com/tb-news/7-ways-to-keep-your-team-connected-while-working-from-home/ Wed, 01 Jul 2020 21:38:06 +0000 https://tbsmo.com/uncategorized/7-ways-to-keep-your-team-connected-while-working-from-home/ By Tom Ottaiano, CEO, Today’s Business When our leadership team made the push to implement work-from-home days at Today’s Business, we never could have predicted that our team would be working at home full-time. With all of the changes we are experiencing during this global pandemic, our team has taken this as an opportunity to […]

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By Tom Ottaiano, CEO, Today’s Business

When our leadership team made the push to implement work-from-home days at Today’s Business, we never could have predicted that our team would be working at home full-time. With all of the changes we are experiencing during this global pandemic, our team has taken this as an opportunity to find better ways to communicate, stay connected, and continue achieving our goals while at home. Below are 7 ways the #TBTeam has been able to remain a team during these uncertain times.

1. Team Huddles 

Every Monday we start our week out strong by bringing our team together for a morning huddle. Here we discuss internal updates, as well as successes we have been seeing with our clients. We also make sure to maintain project communication with our bi-weekly project huddles.

2. Virtual Meditations

Before working at home full-time, our Director of Digital Advertising, Raj, would hold morning meditations for our team 1-2 times a week. Now he leads a Zoom meeting every morning dedicated to meditation to help keep our team focused and ready for the day ahead.

3. TB Chats

From new recipes to photos of our kids, our TB General Chat is our team’s hub of good news and connection. We also have a chat dedicated to employee appreciation, so thateven during this crazy timeno hard work or good deed goes unnoticed. These chats bring positivity to everyone’s day.

4. Virtual Lunches

When 2020 rolled around, we made it a team goal for every employee to have lunch with everyone at Today’s Business before the year is up. To stay on track, we implemented a daily time slot where our employees can enjoy a virtual lunch together.

5. Virtual Workouts

With our company’s roots in sports, it is only fitting to keep our team moving and motivated through exercise. Since the pandemic started we’ve been providing our employees with virtual workouts 1-2 times a week.

6. Birthday Videos

We love celebrating employee birthdays at Today’s Business, so we found a way to keep the celebration going. By using a website that compiles a video with personalized messages from our team, our TB employees still get something special on their day.

7. Virtual Happy Hours

Once all the hard work is done and it’s the weekend, the #TBTeam kicks back on Friday after work on Zoom for a virtual happy hour. It’s on here where our team shares their latest Netflix binge or quarantine stories, and it’s always a good time!

In the face of challenges, our team at Today’s Business is only growing stronger, and we will continue to do so long after the world returns to normal. In the meantime, we will do our part to keep our communities safe and #StayHome.

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Brands Who Are Giving Back During the COVID-19 Pandemic https://tbsmo.com/tb-news/brands-who-are-giving-back-during-the-covid-19-pandemic/ https://tbsmo.com/tb-news/brands-who-are-giving-back-during-the-covid-19-pandemic/#respond Tue, 30 Jun 2020 21:38:06 +0000 https://tbsmo.com/uncategorized/brands-who-are-giving-back-during-the-covid-19-pandemic/ At Today’s Business, we have built a culture of positivity. Despite what might be happening around us, we try to be grateful for what we have and strive to be a light in a dark tunnel. That is why we started our #ShareTheGood campaign. In this article, we will be talking about brands that are […]

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At Today’s Business, we have built a culture of positivity. Despite what might be happening around us, we try to be grateful for what we have and strive to be a light in a dark tunnel. That is why we started our #ShareTheGood campaign. In this article, we will be talking about brands that are doing an awesome job of giving back and helping others during these difficult times. Hope you enjoy!


Sports have always brought people together but now is a time where we need them to keep people apart. And FOCO is doing just that with their MLB #StayAtHome partnership. Not only have they created awesome shirts that will help spread the word about social distancing but they are giving away 30% of the net sales to Feeding America’s COVID-19 Response Fund. They also have created the official team face coverings to help stop the spread of coronavirus. 30% of the proceeds from the face coverings will be donated to charity. If you’re a sports fan and want to help give back, definitely check FOCO out.

2. Rhone

Rhone is a men’s activewear brand known for creating a great community of men who refuse to settle. Unity is stitched into the brand’s DNA. Anyone who is familiar with this brand knew they would find a way to help others during this crisis. And, of course, Rhone quickly found a way to help people stand together against COVID-19. Rhone has announced that it is donating 10% of all proceeds to Direct Relief, a humanitarian aid organization. Direct Relief allocates funds to different humanitarian needs such as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Rhone is doing its part to consistently support growth physically, mentally, and spiritually. Join the Rhone crew in standing shoulder-to-shoulder against our common enemy.

3. Mizzen & Main

Not all heroes wear capes! Heroes in 2020 wear Mizzen & Main. Mizzen + Main understands that all of us have a role to play during the COVID-19 global pandemic. The brand is ensuring that we continue to help each other during this time of need. Mizzen & Main is offering 10% off site-wide and is donating 10% of proceeds to organizations like North Texas Food Bank and Feed the Frontline, non-profit organizations that help families affected by the pandemic and healthcare workers risking their lives for our sake respectively. If you’re a hero that can’t stand the standard hero uniform, grab your stylish superhero get-up at Mizzen & Main. Use coupon GIVE at checkout to help Mizzen & Main’s heroic efforts.

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How we’re working to support our community. A Message from our CEO: Like you, we are inspired by the countless stories of community outreach and support. Over the last few weeks, we have worked through the ways we can deliver meaningful impact during this time. We welcome you to join us. Now through May 1, we will donate 10% of the proceeds from our GIVE initiative to two local organizations: North Texas Food Bank, supporting local families in need. Feed the Front Line, a meal delivery program that feeds the healthcare workers risking their lives to fight the virus while supporting local Texas restaurants. And as a thank you, you will receive 10% off your purchase. It is important to us to use our product for good. In this pursuit, we have worked with partners to make 17,000 masks from our performance fabric to distribute to local essential workers. We will continue this effort by donating up to 45,000 more yards of fabric to be sewn into much-needed supplies. We are so grateful that, through your support, we are able to give some comfort to those in need of relief. With deepest gratitude and thanks, Chris

A post shared by Mizzen+Main (@mizzenandmain) on

4. Hydrant

Proper hydration is quintessential to life. The geniuses behind the perfectly concocted Hydrant – a hydration formula with delicate balance among water, magnesium, sodium, potassium, and zinc, have shown that true wisdom lies in supporting one another. Hydrant’s dedication to your health and well-being is evident in their support of the Mount Sinai Hospital in New York’s healthcare workers. Hydrant has donated 5000 packets of rapid-hydration formulas to the brave heroes fighting on the front lines. Not only that, healthcare workers who DM their Instagram profile get free hydration formula packets. Hydrant makes sliding into DMs that much more worthwhile.

5. KITU Super Coffee

Super Coffee is the ultimate morning pick-me-up. Now they are not just lifting your energy but are doing their part to lift up the lives of those in need. KITU Super Coffee is pledging to donate 3% of all proceeds to the Bowery Mission, a non-profit organization with a rich history of rebuilding lives. By purchasing KITU Super Coffee you can help stay sharp while also supporting others. Check out the details here.

6. New Republic

New Republic is an affordable men’s footwear brand that is a part of the Menlo Club’s house of brands. The Menlo Club has built a very strong community by always providing value outside of just providing quality and stylish clothing. So when founder, Dee Murthy, saw what was going on he quickly pivoted his production team to start producing face masks in an effort to limit the spread of COVID-19. For every face mask they sell, New Republic is donating a face mask to their local Los Angeles community (specifically the West LA VA Hospital and local senior centers). Get your mask from New Republic here.

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Why Some of the Most Successful Entrepreneurs are Former Athletes https://tbsmo.com/tb-news/why-some-of-the-most-successful-entrepreneurs-are-former-athletes/ https://tbsmo.com/tb-news/why-some-of-the-most-successful-entrepreneurs-are-former-athletes/#respond Tue, 30 Jun 2020 21:38:06 +0000 https://tbsmo.com/uncategorized/why-some-of-the-most-successful-entrepreneurs-are-former-athletes/ By Tom Ottaiano, CEO, Today’s Business As a former athlete leading a digital marketing company, I often find myself looking up to famous athletes like Lebron James and Tom Brady for the successes they’ve had with developing new brands and building up teams. From founding production and media companies to creating wellness programs and charitable […]

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By Tom Ottaiano, CEO, Today’s Business

As a former athlete leading a digital marketing company, I often find myself looking up to famous athletes like Lebron James and Tom Brady for the successes they’ve had with developing new brands and building up teams. From founding production and media companies to creating wellness programs and charitable foundations, it is no coincidence that former athletes often become such successful entrepreneurs. Being an athlete shapes a person to be able to make quick decisions, strategize, and overcome challenges⁠—all of which are important when taking on new endeavors. Here are five key traits that have helped me, as well as many other former athletes, with our entrepreneurial ventures. 

Work Ethic

If you’re not willing to put in the work, do not expect to accomplish anything. During my time in the NFL, my work ethic was put to the test. With strict workout regimens and drills, my mind was conditioned to push through challenges and accomplish my goals⁠—no matter how much time it took. That work ethic always stays with an athlete and ultimately helps them accomplish any goal they aim to achieve in life.


Becoming an entrepreneur often means leading a team of people to success. It means understanding how to motivate them, mentor them, teach them, and how to lead by example. The only real way to understand how to lead a team is to have had experience being part of one. This is where I can give credit to my athletic background for teaching me to be the leader I am today.

Goal Setting

Setting goals is the framework of success because every action you take towards a goal, big or small, gets you one step closer to achieving your dreams. Without direction, you are wasting time and energy, and odds are you’ll be going in circles instead of tackling challenges head-on. Being an athlete instills a motivation and an understanding that no great feat is accomplished without first setting goals.

Time Management

Every morning I get my day started at 4 am with a workout. From there, I plan and strategize for my company, employees, and clients. As a former athlete, I understand that time is valuable and, if you manage it correctly, you’ll be amazed at what you can truly accomplish in one day. If you are not managing your time properly, you are missing out on opportunities to succeed.

Continuous Learning

Everything in life is a learning experience and, to be successful, you need to actively be searching for new ways to learn and grow. In my time playing football, I was constantly learning new plays, new workouts, adapting to our opposing teams’ strategies, and so on. Now that I am running a business, I can’t tell you the number of podcasts I’ve listened to, books I’ve read, and mentors I’ve spoken to in order to get where I am today. To be ready to take on the business world, you need to be willing and open to learning as much as you can.

There is no doubt that the skills I have gained from my time as an athlete have set me up for success. Football has instilled in me a valuable gift and that I will not take for granted. After all, it has brought me to where I am today with a team that is ever-evolving and ever-growing.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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5 Ways Becoming a Father Has Made Me a Better Leader https://tbsmo.com/tb-news/5-ways-becoming-a-father-has-made-me-a-better-leader/ https://tbsmo.com/tb-news/5-ways-becoming-a-father-has-made-me-a-better-leader/#respond Tue, 30 Jun 2020 21:38:06 +0000 https://tbsmo.com/uncategorized/5-ways-becoming-a-father-has-made-me-a-better-leader/ By Tom Ottaiano, CEO, Today’s Business Working from home the past few months, I have begun to see how my home-life and work-life are connected. As both a father and a business owner, it has become clear to me that running a business and raising children isn’t all that different. Not only do they require […]

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By Tom Ottaiano, CEO, Today’s Business

Working from home the past few months, I have begun to see how my home-life and work-life are connected. As both a father and a business owner, it has become clear to me that running a business and raising children isn’t all that different. Not only do they require some of the same skills, just as you want your children to grow up strong, healthy, and successful, you want your business to thrive and be prosperous as well. With another Father’s Day in the books, I have taken some time to reflect on some of the ways that becoming a father has made me a better leader.


Every parent knows that patience is key when it comes to raising kids. Keeping a level head and allowing your children to learn at their own pace not only allows them to feel comfortable with the process but teaches a valuable skill as well. The same goes for owning a business and building a team. Without patience, it is easy to make rash decisions that could be detrimental to your company. However, allowing time to develop your business thoughtfully creates an environment where your employees can do the same.

Empathy & Sense of Humor

Just as every father needs to find a balance between parent and friend, a leader of a company needs to find the right balance of boss and comrade. Let’s face it, no employee wants a dictator for a boss. Being a father has strengthened my ability to lead and guide, while also being fun and supportive. Spending time with my little girl has encouraged a sense of humor and positive temperament when things don’t go exactly as planned in my personal and work life.


With my daughter, it is important to me to foster a relationship built on honesty, trust, and communication. I want her to know that I am there for her and I hope that she can develop these qualities as well. The same thing goes for leading a company. If there is no honesty and transparency, a company is bound to fail. How can you expect to get honesty back if you aren’t able to demonstrate that yourself? 

Discipline & Reacting to Mistakes

As a parent, a leader, and as a person, discipline is extremely important. Without discipline, children do not develop the direction and restraint they need to become productive members of society. Without discipline, a team and its leaders cannot be productive or accountable. Being a father has helped me understand productive forms of discipline, as well as the best ways to react to mistakes to build a company, rather than to hinder it.

Setting a Good Example

All of the traits listed above play an important role in setting a good example. With a little girl and another child on the way, I want to be a good role model for them. I strive to set a good example and this crosses over into my work life. The example I set in each environment may vary, but the core traits and values are there. I want my team to rely on me for support and as a person they can look up to, learn from, and trust.

Without a doubt, becoming a father has strengthened and developed many of my leadership skills. It has challenged me, surprised me, and has opened my mind up to many new experiences and possibilities. It has also helped me to create a family at Today’s Business. I am truly grateful for my amazing family both at home and at work.

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Affiliate Summit West 2020: A Recap https://tbsmo.com/tb-news/affiliate-summit-west-2020-recap/ Thu, 06 Feb 2020 00:00:00 +0000 https://tbsmo.com/?p=1126 Affiliate Summit West (ASW) is arguably the best event in the world for affiliate marketers and digital marketers alike. ASW isn’t just a great place to learn about what’s going on in the industry, it’s the top place to connect with affiliate marketing professionals, advertisers, digital marketing specialists, and other key industry players. If you’re […]

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Affiliate Summit West (ASW) is arguably the best event in the world for affiliate marketers and digital marketers alike. ASW isn’t just a great place to learn about what’s going on in the industry, it’s the top place to connect with affiliate marketing professionals, advertisers, digital marketing specialists, and other key industry players. If you’re in digital marketing or are looking to get involved in the industry this is an event you should definitely be attending. During our time at ASW 2020, our team was sure to take advantage of everything the summit had to offer. If you’re interested in learning more about the events held at Affiliate Summit West or are interested in hearing about our experience, we’ve outlined it all below!


Meetings are by far the number one reason Today’s Business attends the Affiliate Summit every year. Affiliate marketing is an industry that is very relationship-oriented. Yes, you can certainly build relationships over the phone and email, but there is no substitute for sitting down with someone and having an in-depth face to face conversation about their business goals, strategy, challenges, etc. If you plan to build your affiliate business, you need to be spending time with your partners and building relationships.

The Today’s Business Affiliate Team scheduled a number of meetings prior to arriving in Las Vegas for ASW. Our team met with both existing partners and potential partners. ASW 2020 was hosted at the Paris Las Vegas Hotel, which offered plenty of places to host meetings.

Some of the companies our Affiliate Team met with include our technology partners, such as Pepperjam, Awin, Tune, Avantlink, and Impact Radius. We also met with a variety of publishers, such as Buzzfeed, The Daily Beast, DotDash, CBS Interactive, HighSnobiety, PerkSpot, DealNews, Digital Remedy, and many more. In addition to our Affiliate Team, our Business Development Team attended the summit as well to meet with potential new brand partners such as GNC, Tenergy, and Acceleration Partners.


If you don’t have many connections or are having a hard time scheduling meetings prior to the event, there’s no need to worry! ASW has plenty of events that you can register for and attend. These events are great ways to have conversations with people in a casual and friendly networking setting. 

This year our team participated in a number of exciting events such as the First-Timer Speed Networking and Pub Crawl, Upsellit and Befrugal’s Charity Hockey Game benefiting Face Off With Cancer, the Performance Marketing Association’s Annual Networking Brunch, Tee Off with Tune at TopGolf, the Affiliate Ball, and an exclusive event hosted by SlickDeals at their Cosmopolitan suite. We made a lot of new friends at these events that we will be doing business with!


While networking and meeting with partners was the primary reason for our attendance, we still found value in attending educational seminars and round tables. This year’s event had over 75 expert speakers covering a wide range of topics from SEO, Compliance, Q & A’s, Affiliate Strategy, and Industry Trends just to name a few.

Two of the best events we attended included a keynote session by Alona Rudnitsky and Amber Spears of East 5th Avenue and an Influencer Marketing Roundtable. The keynote was useful as the speakers reviewed both good and bad examples of affiliate webpages live on the stage. We will definitely be using some of their tips as we continue to build out our affiliate pages. The Influencer Roundtable was great because it provided for a more intimate setting where influencers, advertisers, and agencies could discuss the successes and challenges that they have experienced in an open forum. This allowed us the opportunity to hear what others were doing in the industry and see where we could improve our service. We also had the opportunity to discuss our most recent influencer campaign and position ourselves as a thought leader in the room. After the roundtable, multiple people approached our team because they were interested to hear more about what we do at Today’s Business and how we might be able to work together.

Overall, the event was a huge success for Today’s Business. We got to enhance our relationships with our existing partners, meet tons of potential new partners, and learned a lot along the way. It also didn’t hurt that we had a lot of fun!If you’d like to learn more about our experience at ASW or talk with our team about our services please contact [email protected].

We look forward to seeing you at Affiliate Summit East in July!

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Top Podcasts, Books and Instagram Accounts That Will Instantly Motivate You https://tbsmo.com/tb-news/top-podcasts-books-and-instagram-accounts-that-will-instantly-motivate-you/ https://tbsmo.com/tb-news/top-podcasts-books-and-instagram-accounts-that-will-instantly-motivate-you/#respond Fri, 25 Oct 2019 00:00:00 +0000 https://tbsmo.com/?p=1119 By Tom Ottaiano, CEO, Today’s Business Sometimes all you need to jumpstart your motivation is a really good podcast, book or post from a quality Instagram page. Here are my top picks for media that will put you in an achievement mindset!  Listen Up: Podcasts Operation Growth Operation growth features stories of success from a […]

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By Tom Ottaiano, CEO, Today’s Business

Sometimes all you need to jumpstart your motivation is a really good podcast, book or post from a quality Instagram page. Here are my top picks for media that will put you in an achievement mindset! 

Listen Up: Podcasts

Operation Growth

Operation growth features stories of success from a variety of different entrepreneurs, from the founder of Playa Bowls to the CEO of one of the fastest growing software companies in the US. 

Listen to the episode I was featured on here.  

Group Chat 

Every day for me starts with Group Chat. It’s the best podcast to jumpstart your morning. Dee Murthy, Chris “Drama” Pfaff ad Anand Murthy share their takes on business, current events and culture, to name a few. If you’re looking for digestible and entertaining segments on conversation-starting topics, check out Group Chat. 


Stay Paid 

One of the best sales and marketing podcasts out there, Stay Paid is worth a listen. Every episode breaks down the top tactics for acquiring new business and executing successful marketing initiatives. 

Check out the episode Chaz and I were featured on where we discuss how to create an online presence that dominates by clicking here


Kneading Dough

Hosted by former NFL player Andrew Hawkings, Kneading Dough is a podcast with superstar athlete guests that discuss how they dealt with the game changing amounts of money they were paid when they went pro. 

The Creative Collective Show

The tagline of the Creative Collective is “where business meets creative” which is just scraping the surface of the great content they put out. 

Check out the episode I was featured in!


Get Motivated: Instagram Accounts


@foundr is one of the best Instagram accounts in the game for motivation. From self reflection quotes to team-oriented advice, there’s a quote to motivate everyone. 

View this post on Instagram

Tag your team!

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Tony Robbins

@tonyrobbins remains top of mind for anyone who is looking to outside sources for motivation. His coaching style and entrepreneurial ideas have been talked about around the world, and his Instagram account is a hub for great clips and quotes to start helping you achieve your goals.

View this post on Instagram

Contribution is the key to ultimate fulfillment! Life is not about what you GET — that will never make you truly happy in the long term. It’s who you BECOME and what you CONTRIBUTE — to your loved ones, your community, and the world — that will. 💪❤🌎 . We GROW so that we have more to GIVE — it’s what we’re MADE FOR! Nothing in life will give us a greater sense of personal satisfaction than contribution in service to something greater than ourselves. 🤝🔥💕 When you learn the power of sincere and selfless contribution, you will experience life’s deepest joy: true fulfillment. The secret to living is giving! . ❓Do you know someone who embodies the spirit of giving and contribution? Give them a shoutout in the comments! 🗯👇🏼

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Shoe Dog: A Memoir By the Creator of Nike

Phil Knight’s Shoe Dog is a #1 New York Times Bestseller for a reason. If you’ve ever wondered how Nike went from a startup to one of the biggest brands in the world, this book should be on your list. Nothing is more motivating than hearing the story of someone else’s success. 

Relentless: From Good to Great to Unstoppable

The title is a good indicator of how motivating of a read Relentless by Tim Grover is. As a trainer of legends, Tim Grover knows what it takes to win and keep pushing towards success. 

More Motivation from Today’s Business

For more motivation and to keep up with the #TBTeam, follow: 



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What It Means To Be An Inc. 5000 Fastest Growing Company https://tbsmo.com/tb-news/what-it-means-to-be-an-inc-5000-fastest-growing-company/ https://tbsmo.com/tb-news/what-it-means-to-be-an-inc-5000-fastest-growing-company/#respond Wed, 09 Oct 2019 00:00:00 +0000 https://tbsmo.com/?p=1117 Today’s Business is pleased to announce that we have made the 2019 Inc. 5000 list of the fastest-growing private companies in America. This appearance marks our second consecutive year on the prestigious list.   View this post on Instagram A post shared by Today's Business™ (@todays_business) on Oct 11, 2019 at 1:11pm PDT   Being […]

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Today’s Business is pleased to announce that we have made the 2019 Inc. 5000 list of the fastest-growing private companies in America. This appearance marks our second consecutive year on the prestigious list.



Being recognized on the Inc. 5000 list is an amazing accomplishment for our team. From our start in the basement with $500 to our second consecutive year on Inc. 5000 list, we pride ourselves on our dedication to our craft and providing our clients with a passion toward digital marketing that cannot be emulated. Thank you to all of our clients, employees, and partners that have been a huge part of getting us here!

As young and hopeful entrepreneurs, our owners Tom Ottaiano, Chaz Cervino, and Billy Ash Jr. grew up reading Inc. Magazine and idolizing the trailblazers of well-known companies such as Microsoft, Pandora, LinkedIn, Yelp, and Zillow, who all gained their first national exposure as honorees on the Inc. 5000 list. Now, the company they’ve started from scratch and grown over the course of a decade has been named alongside some of America’s greatest entrepreneurs, not once, but twice. We are nothing short of humbled and grateful.

As a company, we pride ourselves on innovation, culture, and teamwork. Our growth and this recognition are a direct result of both our people and our process, which proves that as a team, we can accomplish it all! For all young, aspiring entrepreneurs, we hope they can look at us an example of what is possible when you dream big and never quit.


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How to Use Coaching Strategies to Cultivate a Teamwork Focused Workplace https://tbsmo.com/tb-news/how-to-use-coaching-strategies-to-cultivate-a-teamwork-focused-workplace/ Fri, 02 Aug 2019 00:00:00 +0000 https://tbsmo.com/?p=1104 By Tom Ottaiano As a former elite athlete, I was positively influenced by the coaches who guided me through my athletic career. I always admired how the best coaches were able to bring people together and form a team who had each other’s backs and all worked together to accomplish one goal, without anyone losing […]

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By Tom Ottaiano

As a former elite athlete, I was positively influenced by the coaches who guided me through my athletic career. I always admired how the best coaches were able to bring people together and form a team who had each other’s backs and all worked together to accomplish one goal, without anyone losing their individuality. 

 From athlete to CEO, I carried my knowledge of good leadership that I saw from my coaches into the organization I founded. One of the most effective leadership styles for fostering a teamwork-oriented environment is to implement effective coaching techniques. Here are my top strategies for motivating, growing and building trust with your team. 

Understand Your Employees

Just like a coach understands their players, a leader needs to know their employees. What are their goals? What motivates them? The best head coaches are able to see where each player fits on the field according to their strengths. This is also true for a workplace environment. 

You need to have an understanding of where each individual is coming from and what experience they bring to the table. Understanding their skills will help you to put your employees in a position that will lend itself to the success of your business, as well as their individual growth. When everyone fits into the puzzle, goals get accomplished quicker.

Encourage Collaboration

The best ideas come from collaboration. No one on the team should be on their own creative island. Encouraging collaboration within an organization fosters a sense of teamwork that leads to better results. 

Every month, we set up a full team meeting where we provide education, as well as hands-on experiences to bring people together. This makes collaboration effortless when it comes to working on client projects. 

Set Clear Goals

Every single person under the roof of any company should be striving for a goal. In order for them to be aligned with these goals, it’s important to reinforce them. Often something as simple as writing it down or saying it out loud will put more weight behind the goal and make it more meaningful when it’s accomplished. 

Everyone’s individual goals should be fitting into the larger business goals of the organization. 

Keep the Line of Communication Open. 

Open communication builds trust and trust fosters happy, productive employees. Consistently communicate openly with employees to keep them in the loop. Accepting feedback from employees is also an important part of success as a team. Good coaches listen, and so do good bosses

Recognize and Celebrate Success

Celebrating wins is extremely beneficial for your team. It boosts morale and reinforces the importance of accomplishing goals.

There’s no point in playing the game if everyone can’t fully experience a well-deserved victory.

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