SEO – Today's Business New Jersey Digital Advertising Tue, 27 Apr 2021 17:03:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 SEO – Today's Business 32 32 Question Hub: Who’s it for and How to Use it Tue, 27 Apr 2021 17:02:43 +0000 What is the Google Question Hub Tool? Google Question Hub is a Google-developed platform focusing on the unanswered questions asked on the internet. Google organizes information to find the most relevant results for each user’s search query. If there is no content available, Question Hub collects unanswered questions to identify content gaps that are online. […]

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What is the Google Question Hub Tool?

Google Question Hub is a Google-developed platform focusing on the unanswered questions asked on the internet. Google organizes information to find the most relevant results for each user’s search query. If there is no content available, Question Hub collects unanswered questions to identify content gaps that are online. This allows digital marketers to use these insights to create better content for their audience. 

How Does Google Question Hub Work?

Google Question Hub collects unanswered search queries to help you find relevant questions to your industry. You can search for a particular term or topic and Google will show you all the questions related to those key terms and subjects that people have not answered yet. You can use these questions to create richer content and to track your impact to see if your content helped your users. 

Google is giving access to 100 questions at once from multiple categories. Once you have selected the list of questions that are most relevant for you to answer, you can export those questions to a CSV file. If you do not wish to export the entire list of questions, you can easily star mark the ones you deem important and come back to them later. The starred questions can be found in a separate tab on the left side of your screen when you check back on them. 

There is also an Add Questions button, which takes you to the section where you need to add questions related to your key term or subject. If you want to find all the questions added, there is a tab called Questions you can access. In the platform there is also a History button where you can look at the previously gathered questions from the Google Questions Hub. If you need to change the language, update your email address, or delete your account, there is a settings option in the platform as well that lets you easily manage your account.

Why Should You Use Google Question Hub Tool?

Google Question Hub is a great tool for bloggers, writers, and strategists looking to increase their audience. It speeds up looking for valuable content users want answers to. Your work for creating articles will become much easier with having access to hundreds of questions relevant to your industry. You’ll be able to gain some great rankings and prime real estate on the first page of Google to enhance your search visibility. 

Content Marketing Experts at Today’s Business 

At Today’s Business, we strongly recommend using Google’s Question Hub tool to enhance your content marketing efforts moving forward. Our SEO strategists develop articles and valuable blog content using Question Hub to gain more users to our client’s websites and boost your online presence. Our experts will work with you to develop a content strategy that takes your company to the next level. Contact us today to see how our strategists can help you!

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The SEO Benefits of Writing Longer Blogs Tue, 06 Feb 2018 00:00:00 +0000 There is a well-established fallacy that people generally don’t want to read long pieces of content online. The common complaints you may have heard to date could include, “I don’t have time to read all of this!” or “Why is this blog so long?” and possibly even “Nobody reads anymore!” While there may be a […]

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There is a well-established fallacy that people generally don’t want to read long pieces of content online. The common complaints you may have heard to date could include, “I don’t have time to read all of this!” or “Why is this blog so long?” and possibly even “Nobody reads anymore!” While there may be a small population who still has hang-ups on long-form content, it’s best not to follow the stigma of those anti-long form bellyachers.

This current digital-age misunderstanding can demonstrate obvious negative effects on your business endeavors – including massive restraints on your search engine optimization. The grind to improving your overall SEO performance first begins with well-written, B2C-based blogs that focus on conversions and notoriety with compelling content. Abiding by these pessimistic beliefs won’t provide you with the results you’re looking for.

How Long-Form Content Improves SEO

There’s no debating that long-form blogs improve SEO visibility for your business, but have you ever considered why that is? The 1,200-word mark is the general rule of thumb that’ll hand you a competitive-edge against the massive amounts of short pieces that are floating around online. But here is a more in depth view on how long-form blogs can increase your businesses’ SEO performance, and how you can capitalize on the multiple benefits it offers.

Easy Application with Proven ROI

Creating long-form content is not difficult, but it will take a little extra time to create your final masterpiece. A common goal for any business owner is to easily see the return on investment (ROI) of their SEO endeavors. Longer content is also social-friendly. It’s been recorded that longer blogs accrue more social shares versus the average blog post. As social media shares your content, sessions and traffic will increase as a direct result. This inbound marketing technique is easily trackable and if done right, can provide clear ROI in terms of revenue increases or notoriety of the brand, product, or service. If you would like to learn more about this, take a look at these case studies for a hyper-focused view on how longer content is an effective means of heightening traffic and making your business a high-impact competitor within the market.

Expand on a Topic for In-Depth Focus

Without content, there is nothing. Blogging is a large determining factor on the success of content marketing. Since the goal of a blog is to answer consumer questions in an attempt to increase traffic, longer blogs will allow you to truly know your market. This grants you the opportunity to expand on a topic and provide an in-depth comprehension or explanation on a certain question or concern. You’ll be able to hone in and create a well-versed buyer persona that really speaks to your customer. At the same time, the expanded length of your blog will give you yet another opportunity to incorporate more keywords and keyword phrases to make the biggest impact on industry buzz words and trends for long tail search results.

Increased Engagement

Longer blogs allow you to utilize different engagement strategies other than the physical act of reading the words on the page. Instead of using one strategy throughout your blog, you now have the ability to incorporate more engagement strategies in your post all at once. With more rich and descriptive content accessories, your piece generally becomes more engaging and click-worthy. Here are just a few of the strategies you can use to increase engagement and meet your designated SEO goals:

  • Visual content (e.g. infographics or interactive scrollers).
  • Videos to increase information retention.
  • Supportive documents to expand on a topic’s details.

More Backlink Incorporation

The larger the content, the more backlinking opportunities arise. Incorporating quality backlinks into your content is one of the most effective ways to improve your SEO rankings. This allows search engines to weight your content’s importance and popularity based on the referenced links within the page. Receiving and utilizing backlinks to and from other sites is a major metric that will determine the level of influence within the search engine. Google – for example – will reward a website with a large number of good backlinks on your keyword or keyword phrase and render it more relevant than other pages in a similar search query.

Google Says So

Why write longer content? Google says so – in fact they highly recommend it! Google rolled out their Panda and Penguin algorithm updates in 2012 with a focus on content quality. This search engine behemoth encourages companies to incorporate longer quality content that deeply describes a specific industry subject in order to avoid ranking demotions. As recent as late 2017, Google has even been eliminating questionable SEO practices and improving their algorithm for addressing unfavorable, thin content. Simply put, go big or go home! Your content is the lifeline of your SEO performance, and you’re going to need search engines like Google on your side.

Search Engine Optimization Services in Pine Brook, NJ

Your organic rankings are vital to both immediate and long-term business success. Investing in search engine optimization will provide your company with the resources necessary to leap into the heart of the digital-community and make a lasting impact. Rank for industry keywords and optimize for efficiency with Today’s Business if your business is in need of assistance. Contact us today to learn more about our digital marketing services and how we can make your business grow!







The post The SEO Benefits of Writing Longer Blogs appeared first on Today's Business.
