Social case study – Today's Business New Jersey Digital Advertising Thu, 18 Mar 2021 16:23:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Social case study – Today's Business 32 32 How We Leveraged Facebook Ads to Generate Qualified Leads For a Luxury Real Estate Brand Fri, 14 Jun 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Over the course of 3 months with a $1500 budget, we were able to generate almost 200 leads through a comprehensive Facebook and Instagram campaign that successfully deployed multiple objectives contingent upon all phases of the social sales funnel, from awareness to consideration to conversion. Campaign Overview Industry Background A luxury apartment community came to […]

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Over the course of 3 months with a $1500 budget, we were able to generate almost 200 leads through a comprehensive Facebook and Instagram campaign that successfully deployed multiple objectives contingent upon all phases of the social sales funnel, from awareness to consideration to conversion.

Campaign Overview

Industry Background

A luxury apartment community came to us with the goal of generating awareness and attracting new residents.

In the past, they had noticed that posting organically on their Facebook and Instagram feeds had not generated any tangible results, and they were looking for a way to take their social presence to the next level. They were looking for conversions, and our team was up to the challenge.

The Current State of Facebook

Social media marketing for businesses can be divided into two key elements: organic social and paid social. Organic refers to posts published on a page, that are not promoted as native advertisements with a budget put behind them. Paid social refers to Facebook’s extensive advertising capabilities that allow for a hefty budget to be allocated towards multiple campaigns for an appropriate objective that makes the most sense for the goals that the business is trying to accomplish.

Facebook is a pay to play environment, which is why the most effective approach for the goals that we wanted to achieve for this luxury real estate brand was to run paid social advertisements. For a more in-depth look at this game-changing shift in the social landscape, check out our blog that breaks it down!

Once we determined that we were going to be utilizing a paid social ads strategy, we formulated our strategy to be contingent upon the Social Media Advertising Funnel.

Due to the algorithm changes that Facebook has gradually put into place, the power that organic used to play in this brand’s social media conversions has been exponentially depreciated. Based on what we know about Facebook’s changes, as well as the goals of this brand, we determined that the most cost-effective and strategic way to produce conversions through our social media strategy was through a paid social approach. This approach utilized multiple ad campaigns with eye-catching creatives optimized for reaching the greatest amount of people, driving traffic to the website, and generating leads.

Our Strategy

We were tasked with the objective of producing high-quality leads, while also reaching the highest amount of potential residents within the general vicinity of the property. Given Facebook’s algorithm changes, along with the allocated budget, we decided that the best way to achieve their goals on social media would be to run multiple paid ad campaigns optimized for reach, website traffic, and leads.

Utilizing custom video creatives that showcased the best features of the apartments, we ran three Facebook and Instagram campaigns over the course of three months that covered all stages of the social ads funnel. Our methodology behind this sequence was to display the right content to targeted audiences depending on which stage of the funnel that they were in. These ads were optimized in a way that encouraged our audience to take a specific action that would eventually drive them closer to submitting a lead form.


The first step in any social media campaign is to generate awareness and interest. A user who has never previously heard of your brand will never convert into a lead right off the bat.

For the awareness phase of the campaign, we focused on the reach objective. When it comes to this phase of the funnel, the audience targeting is at its broadest. We targeted individuals within a 30-40 mile range of the location and the age range of 25-55. Within this audience, we capitalized on users behaviors and interests, by serving the ad to those who were likely to move or had an interest in renting. Here, and throughout the entire customer journey down the funnel, we excluded users who recently moved, since we can easily determine that they most likely will not be looking to move again anytime soon. 

The goal of a reach campaign is to reach the maximum amount of people in the target market for the lowest cost per 1,000 people.


The purpose of the consideration phase of a full funnel campaign is to retarget to those who have seen the original awareness ad and remind them of the brand by showing them a new ad creative with a new objective. Our goal is to keep our ads in front of the right eyes and pique their interest in the brand even more.

The objective of our consideration ad was to drive traffic to the website. We narrowed our targeting in this phase, by displaying the ad to those who had visited the website from our previous ad creative. Within the campaign, we also took advantage of creating lookalike audiences. Within this phase of the campaign, we created lookalikes of users who had previously visited the website but had not yet converted.  


The conversion phase is the final step of the ads sequence that closes the deal. In this case, we used the lead generation objective to collect information from potential residents which, in turn, gets passed onto the leasing agents.

To ensure that we were generating the highest quality leads, we optimized our lead form for higher intent, rather than higher volume, and focused on targeting website traffic as well as lookalikes of the email lists from the client. These email lists were from people who were interested in becoming a resident and provided their information, as well as current residents. Our targeting also included only the locations where most residents relocate from or would be likely to move from.

Campaign Results

Reach Campaign

Our top-of-the-funnel reach campaign was a success, reaching 134,812 people, gaining 204,599 impressions and with a CPR (cost per 1,000 people reached) of $2.30.

Website Traffic Campaign

The consideration campaign with the objective of generating website traffic resulted in 1,726 landing page views. We optimize our campaigns for landing page views rather than link clicks because Facebook serves the ads to users who are most likely to not only click on the ad but be interested enough to stay on the website or specific page we want them to land on for longer than just a quick click.

Retargeting to previous website visitors was the most cost-effective result we saw in this campaign, coming in at $0.18 per landing page view. This was a strong indication that our strategy of bringing back those users who were previously considering the apartments was successful. The average CPC (cost per click) in the real estate industry on Facebook is $1.81. Even our highest CPC, which was $0.96, was still 85% lower than the industry standard.

Lead Generation Campaign

The key audiences that drove the most lead form submissions were the email list lookalikes as well as the website visitors who had made it from the top of the funnel to conversion. Of the 188 leads forms that were submitted, the cost per lead was only $2.39.

The conversion rate for this campaign was 20.6% which is significantly higher than the average conversion rate on Facebook for the real estate industry, which is 10.6%.

Key Takeaways

The awareness, consideration, and conversion objectives worked seamlessly together to turn a cold audience who was previously unfamiliar with this luxury apartment community into a lead. By remarketing to website visitors and utilizing custom lookalike audiences, we were able to generate 250,000 impressions, over 1,726 landing page views, and 188 leads.

Social Media Advertising at Today’s Business

Our Social Media Strategy team takes a comprehensive approach to social media marketing with your business goals in mind. Our methods are anything but one size fits all. We formulate a unique and competitive strategy for each brand that we work with. Depending on your goals, we are able to determine appropriate KPIs for each of your campaigns.

We are constantly keeping up to date on emerging trends in the social landscape to ensure that our campaigns are always utilizing best practices and performing adjacent to industry standards. If you are ready to start embracing the full potential of Facebook and Instagram advertising in your brand’s social media campaigns, let’s talk!

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Physical Therapy Company Year Over Year Social Media Growth Mon, 05 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000 Preface: Most of us will suffer an injury at some point in our lives, and if you’ve suffered from a traumatic injury such as a broken bone, chances are you’ll need to spend some time rehabbing your way back to the activities you enjoy most. Choosing a physical therapy provider is an important decision. For […]

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Most of us will suffer an injury at some point in our lives, and if you’ve suffered from a traumatic injury such as a broken bone, chances are you’ll need to spend some time rehabbing your way back to the activities you enjoy most. Choosing a physical therapy provider is an important decision. For many, a social media presence of a business can influence who they do or don’t choose to utilize. Therefore for physical therapies, quality social media marketing has become a necessity.

Starting Point:

In January of 2014, Today’s Business began working with a physical therapy company that consisted of 7 locations. They had a Facebook page with moderate activity, but not much else. We took control of their Facebook and set the client up on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Pinterest, where we began to strategically post, run ads, and engage consistently. As of January 2018, the practice has expanded to 17 locations and into more states, and the social media presence has certainly grown alongside it.


When it comes to results, there are a few different things we can measure; fans gained, website traffic, and conversions. Let’s begin with fans gained.

Platform Jan 2014 Jan 2018
FB 5,284 likes 23,597 likes
TW 0 followers 3,195 followers
IG 0 followers 5,164 followers
LI 0 followers 719 followers
Pin 0 followers 2,145 followers

As you can see by the numbers, over a 4 year period, we have grown the total social following from 5,284 FB likes to 34,820 unique fans across 5 different platforms. We had a number of different strategies in going about doing so, primarily targeting our specific demographic with FB advertising, along with engaging and following users from the demographic on other platforms.

Social Traffic

Platform Total Website Clicks
FB 11,042 sessions
IG 1,123 sessions
LI 679 sessions
Pin 577 sessions

In all on social over 4 years we have generated 14,039 website sessions, or around 300 sessions/month. As a rule of thumb, we do suggest taking social traffic with a grain of salt, as you may generate lots of traffic, but if you’re not acquiring quality leads and converting goals, the overall clicks don’t seem as important.

Leads Generated

Lastly, what matters most – conversions. In this case, we tracked conversions as contact forms  and phone calls, and attributed value to them based on appointment requests.

Platform # of conversions
FB 201
LI 27
Twitter 17
Pin 8

In all, there have been 306 social conversions, which we valuated to $14,206.00.


In summary, social media has continued to be a valuable asset for this practice, and as it’s real life reputation has expanded, so has it’s online presence. At Today’s Business, we are consistently looking into our campaigns such as this one to see what we can do to keep building more followers, generating valuable website traffic, and in the end, landing more and more conversions for our clients. It takes a lot of trial and error and also learning about your client/company and most importantly, your target market.

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A Facebook Marketing Case Study for a Non-Profit Organization Fri, 13 Jan 2017 00:00:00 +0000 Preface Facebook has come a long way since it first burst on the digital scene in 2006. Starting primarily as a means for college and high school students to more effectively communicate with each other, Facebook is now entrenched as a legitimate and often lucrative tool for businesses to utilize.  Today’s Business, having started initially […]

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Facebook has come a long way since it first burst on the digital scene in 2006. Starting primarily as a means for college and high school students to more effectively communicate with each other, Facebook is now entrenched as a legitimate and often lucrative tool for businesses to utilize.  Today’s Business, having started initially as solely a Social Media Optimization (SMO) company, was one of the first to capitalize and exploit this transition undertaken by Facebook.


Starting Point

In early 2016, Today’s Business was asked by a non-profit organization to conduct, among other services, social media marketing. The aim was to increase traffic to the website, engagement on social, and most importantly, eCommerce conversions. In the case of a non-profit organization, e-commerce conversions entail buying products with proceeds going to the charity and acquiring donations for different campaigns. While Today’s Business optimized all social platforms for this client, the one platform that saw some of the most impressive results was Facebook.



The objectives are very similar when performing SMO for a non-profit as opposed to a traditional for profit client, yet there are discernible differences that need to be taken under consideration. Today’s Business was cognizant of the fact that there needs to be a balance of informing without appearing to ask for too much in terms of donations. This needs to be managed while maintaining the aggressive approach TB normally employs to yield the best results for its clients. This was a tough balance to maintain, but TB’s attention-to-detail made it standard operating procedure for this client.


Fast-forward nearly a year after Today’s Business took the reins of this organization’s social accounts, and the results are impressive. In one year of social media marketing for a nonprofit, TB has:


  • 59,572 Sessions out of 144,984 total sessions (41%)
  • 39,431 New Users out of 92,330 (42%)
  • E-Commerce Conversion rate 3.89%, compared to 0.64% from organic search
  • 1,837 transactions – 42% compared to 212 (4.89%) from organic search
  • 109,259.46 out of 297,859 in revenue (36%)
    • 50,233.52 (16%) Facebook app mobile
    • 36,709.38 (12%) Facebook desktop
    • 8,634.37 (2.9%) Facebook app tablet
  • Facebook ECommerce Conversion Rate
    • 39% Mobile
    • 28% Desktop
    • 34% Tablet


There are a few really important things to note from these numbers. Firstly that social media generated more than 1/3 of total revenue from e-commerce, a really impressive amount. That is a clear benefit of SMO, where revenue can directly be attributed to social platforms performing well. Next, a little less than half of all sessions on the organization’s site were a result of social media traffic, making social one of the most important channels this client has. Finally, transactions from social were nearly ten times the amount they were from organic search – another illustration of social’s strong performance with TB’s assistance.


Drilling deeper down within social, the strong performance of Facebook in particular, deserves examination. Throughout the same year’s time frame, the client’s Facebook stats are:


  • Jan 2016: 9,691 vs. Jan 2017: 18,796 (84.1% Increase)
    • Paid Likes 6,831
    • Organic Likes 2,311
    • Unlikes 683
    • Net Likes 8,459
  • Throughout the year they have 6,905,958 impressions and 4,257,618 Users reached
    • 2,454,137 organic impressions
    • 1,533,651 viral impressions
    • 2,918,170 paid impressions
    • Increase in 96.7% from last year
  • Types of Posts
    • Photos: 556
    • Videos: 19
    • Posts: 522
  • 76,060 post engagements
    • 62,091 Reactions
  • 17,757 links clicked


What can be ascertained after observing these results is an outstanding 84.1% increase in likes on the client’s Facebook page, a robust 96.7% increase in impressions over 1 year, and 76,060 post engagements. An increase in likes and impressions are both very important in order to build a Facebook presence and expand the brand’s audience. Post engagements are of utmost importance because it means users on Facebook are taking the time to comment or like the post, meaning the message is more likely to resonate, leading to more conversions.



To conclude, Today’s Business completely jump-started the social media and, specifically, the Facebook account of a non-profit organization. As a result of this boost to the organization’s social media marketing, the client saw huge dividends in the form of impressions, likes, and revenue. Today’s Business was able to revert back to its roots – SMO, and again highlighted how it can help any company’s social presence grow exponentially, for profit or non-profit.

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Social Media Marketing & Management Mon, 19 Dec 2016 00:00:00 +0000 Making Business Social Grow Your Audience With Social Media Marketing ABOUTToday’s Business is different from all other companies who claim they “do social media.” Our experience working with diverse clients has enabled us to develop an effective strategy for any company in any industry, allowing us to become your social media wing. From creating custom graphics for […]

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Making Business Social

Grow Your Audience With Social Media Marketing

ABOUTToday’s Business is different from all other companies who claim they “do social media.” Our experience working with diverse clients has enabled us to develop an effective strategy for any company in any industry, allowing us to become your social media wing. From creating custom graphics for posts to personalized cover photos, TB provides you with everything you need to see an ROI from social media. We don’t just talk about ROI, we prove it. We provide custom tracking phone numbers, monthly reports, as well as the nation’s top social ad management team to help guarantee your ROI. Below are some of the steps we take to optimize your social media campaign.our social media case studies

Our Community Managers live, eat, and breathe social media. They do an amazing job curating engaging, shareable content from around the web for your social media platforms.

By using a variety of top industry platforms and tools, our Response Team monitors all of your social media platforms to ensure that all fans/followers are responded to in an appropriate and timely manner.

As Facebook Preferred Advertisers, we have the ability to beta test new advertising features. In turn, we utilize our findings and our creativity to create the perfect social media advertisements.

As your social presence grows, our monthly analytic reports will help you understand what this means for your business and the ROI of your social marketing spend.


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