If you have a passion for people, being around them and learning and helping them, then the Account Manager position may be for you. Being an Account Manager allows you to work with individuals and improve their businesses every single day. To succeed as an Account Manager, you must balance the needs of the customer or client with the goals of the organization. Great Account Managers stand out in any agency or environment, no matter the industry. They are able to build relationships with clients quickly and solve problems. They speak in goals and objectives and provide strategies and tactics on how to overcome many obstacles.

Being an Account Manager is not for everyone though, it’s hectic and stressful, but it’s worth it! If you’re thinking about challenging yourself and becoming an Account Manager, here are a few key traits every successful Account Manager should have.

Strong Communication Skills

One of the biggest traits every successful Account Manager should have is the ability to communicate. This involves speaking up and making sure you and your client are on the same page at all times. It is about listening to their needs and making sure what they want is delegated properly and in a timely manner. Clients count on you, so be there for them no matter what they need or when they need it. Don’t forget that being a successful Account Manager involves an understanding that you are juggling two relationships: one with the client and one with your production team. The way an Account Manager communicates is key and the best Account Managers always know how far the production team can be pushed and when it’s time to back down. They understand that there will always be new clients and new projects, but the agency team stays the same!

Organization is Key

A great Account Manager must be organized. It is one of the biggest aspects of being successful in this position. You have to know where your client’s reports, information, anything and everything are so your clients can trust you when they ask for things. It’s a daily choice of paying attention to details, being organized, and being eager to help your customers and clients.

Be Relationship-Oriented

I mean, it’s written in the title! A successful Account Manager is customer relations oriented. Your clients have to trust their Account Manager to have their best interests at heart. Being open and honest about the company’s prices or business terms and being consistent over time are two key success factors. You should never underestimate the importance of trying to get to know clients better on a personal level, too. Learn about your customers and their business, and the people who make up their team, family, and business. Rapport and trust should be two of your core values when it comes to managing accounts and you’ll be sure to create long lasting relationships with your clients for years to come.

Push the Boundaries (but not too much)

In this competitive marketplace, Account Managers need to know all about the latest business trends, actively identifying new areas of growth for their clients. It is all about having business insight. It’s the Account Manager’s job to always bring new ideas to their clients. It’s important to push yourself as an Account Manager, and even more importantly to help push your clients out of their comfort zones. As the saying goes: “A comfort zone is a beautiful place to be, but nothing ever grows there.” There’s always room for growth and new ideas, and as an Account Manager this starts with you!


Account Managers do best if they’ve been in and around the industry because they know how it works. They combine interpersonal and goal oriented skills, which are important traits in any client-facing position. By understanding your client needs, building trust, and establishing a rapport, the Account Manager secures and maintains profitable accounts. The position of Account Manager requires skill, leadership, boundaries, intelligence, method, heart, patience, experience, wisdom, and so many additional skills! Successful Account Managers are rare and exhibit personal characteristics, some of which can’t be taught, but by developing and perfecting these traits, you will be on the road to success as an Account Manager super hero!