Digital marketing is essential for businesses these days, but the planning and implementing all that goes into a digital campaign is not easy, whether your targeting your products or services to businesses or consumers! Take it from a digital marketer herself – we are constantly under the pressure to keep up with the evolving demands of technology.

Although it’s not easy, it’s important to remember that with the necessary tools available, digital marketing can change a company for the better. Not only will you drive traffic to your website, but you will overall enhance your efforts towards a productive digital marketing strategy.

Let’s check out these 5 tools everyone in the Digital Marketing industry should be using!

Google Analytics

Google Analytics

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Google Analytics provides you with website insights and offers advanced analytics solutions to track website visitors on a real time basis. In other words, you are able to track the complete journey of a customer through the sales funnel all by using Google Analytics!

It is essential for any business in the digital marketing industry because it helps you to understand ways to reach your audience and drive traffic to your website! Wouldn’t you want to know where your visitors are coming from? How much traffic you are getting to your site? Which website pages are performing well and which pages of your website they are viewing when they decide to click away to another site? You will know all of these answers just by using Google Analytics!


If you already have a website, chances are you are already using Google Analytics, so way to go! Now, just make sure you go into your Google Analytics dashboard to see whether your meeting your marketing goals so you can properly make decisions that will grow your business.



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Let’s start out by saying that Facebook is a tool that you should never overlook! With over a billion users worldwide that your business can target, Facebook can be a great way to reach them! If you want to promote your business on Facebook, you need to set up a Facebook business page that is completely different and separate from your personal page.

When you create a Facebook business page, you have access to Facebook Pages Manager and Insights where it allows you to post to your page or edit posts, or even share and comment on relevant information with fans of your brand. This ensures that the information shared or commented on enters their Facebook news feed.  Pages Manger allows you to have a 2-way communication with fans of your brand and Insights gives you information about the fans of your brand. This allows you to target your products and services to the right audience, providing more value to your customers.

When using Facebook in the digital marketing industry, there are also three marketing platforms that anyone can use to promote their brand, Pages, Groups and Ads. Pages are free Facebook profiles for businesses, organizations and public figures with no restrictions on the number of fans that can “like” a company’s page. Groups are discussion forums designed in a User Wall format and the Ads is the social network’s paid marketing platform that helps businesses reach their customers based on their desired demographic.

With the many marketing platforms and features Facebook has to offer, it has proven itself to be one of the most powerful tools for any type of business in the digital marketing industry.


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Now LinkedIn is a professional social network that focuses on career development, professional connections, industry discussions and other types of business-related activities. If your main target market for your products or services is other businesses, then LinkedIn is for you!


Just like Facebook, LinkedIn requires you to promote your business on LinkedIn by setting up a LinkedIn Company Page.  Different from your personal page, this page has the necessary tools and resources to learn more about the people following your brand, which is important for any business. It allows your audience to differentiate you from your competitors.

LinkedIn is an important tool in the digital marketing industry because it allows a company to generate leads, grow an email marketing list, post high quality content which will provide value to customers, gives a face to your company, allows you to join groups and stay active, and build relationships. To top it off, did you know there is a page dedicated solely to those in the digital marketing industry that provides updates to the latest trends, innovation and best practices in digital marketing?



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Twitter is one of those social platforms you just can’t stay off of and with over 300 million active users, you will find a sizeable part of your target market on Twitter! It also helps amplify your voice on the Internet and helps tell a story (but of course in, 140 characters or less)!


Here’s the catch, Twitter is a little different in a sense that there is no separate profile for your brand. This makes it a unique social platform for businesses to use in the digital marketing industry because you don’t need to think outside of the box about how you are going to give your brand a personality of its own.

The issue businesses face with Twitter is that many companies do not know how to use it properly. Their tweets are just about their products or services so where is the authentic content an audience thrives over? To be successful on Twitter, you must engage with your following with meaningful conversations about your brand.

Twitter is a powerful tool companies can use to stay connected with their customers, employees, and business partners. Twitter in the digital marketing industry can increase brand awareness and improve website traffic and conversions.

Website & Blog

website blog

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And at the end of this digital marketing journey, all roads must lead back to your website or blog!

Your website or business blog is yours and it is the primary place that victors come looking for you and your business and where you can showcase and talk about your products, services, and all that you are and do! Having a blog or a website allows your business to be available to customers 24/7, anytime they need you or have questions, but it is important to pay attention to your website and to keep it fresh, clean and up to date.


Keeping your website up to date is just as important as keeping your house clean and up to date. Make sure there are no broken links, that your website contains nice graphics, and that it is easy to navigate. Make sure that your website is responsive, that it looks good on all devices whether it is on a smartphone, mobile, or tablet. Keeping these in mind will assure a successful website and a successful business in the digital marketing industry!

That’s A Wrap

So there you have it – The 5 tools that everyone in the digital marketing agency should be using. Take it from the experts ourselves; digital marketing is not easy, whether you are targeting your products or services, businesses or consumers.

Keeping in mind these few tools can assure success in the digital marketing industry and can guarantee a happy business and happy customers and clients for years to come.