You might be asking, what does KPI stand for? KPI stands for Key Performance Indicator.  The reason why these reports are essential to the growth of your social media campaign is because it gives you information regarding how each Facebook post or Tweet performs. It is important to do these reports on a week-to-week or monthly basis.


Content Type

When you look at your statistics on Facebook and Twitter, it is important that you label the Content Type for each post. The way you distribute your content on social media plays a pivotal roll on how much engagement and awareness your brand receives. The worst thing you could do is always try selling your product or service on every Facebook/Twitter post. Sure you might get some calls if your phone number is on the posts, but if you continue to add a call to action for every post, consumers are going to think you are desperate for the business.

Content Types can be services, testimonials, trivia, tips, facts, etc. By labeling each post by a content type you can see how well certain categories perform against one another. For example: If a doctors office does a Trivia Tuesday post one week and then the next week they do a Testimonial Tuesday post, they can see which content type got more engagement for that day. This is a good way to get rid of certain content types that might not work best for your campaign.

Date & Time

The day of the week, as well as the time of day, play a critical role for when Facebook and Twitter posts get published.  You never want to post on social media the same time every day because you won’t reach the proper audience you want to target. It is important to spread your content around different times each day.

For Facebook a general rule is to post (9am, 12pm, 3pm, 6pm, 9pm). For Twitter it is good to post (8:30am, 12:30pm, 3:30pm, 5:30pm, 8:30pm). By doing KPI reports, you can see how well your posts did during different time periods throughout the week. This is a great way for you to test out different times on different days to see what works best. Every industry is different so there isn’t a specific time to post for every social platform.

According to QuickSprout, the best days to post on Facebook are Thursday and Friday. Posts that go out at 1PM on Facebook get the most shares and posts that go out at 3PM on Facebook get the most clicks. For Twitter, weekdays get 14% more engagement than weekends for B2B. When it comes to B2C for Twitter, engagement and CTR’s are high on weekends and Wednesdays. Twitter posts that go out at 12PM get high CTR and posts that go out at 5PM get the most Retweets.

Relevant Statistics

When it comes to statistics in social media, it is important to figure out which metrics hold most value for best performance.  In Facebook KPI reports we look at clicks, reach, likes, comments, shares, people talking and engaged, and negative feedback. Getting the averages is a good way to set benchmarks and goals on a week-to-week basis. For Twitter KPI reports we focus on impressions, engagements, retweets, replies, favorites, URL clicks, and hashtag clicks.

KPI reports help structure a successful social media campaign. It helps the marketer understand which posts are relevant to a consumer and which ones are not. The goal with social media marketing is to have a campaign that helps build awareness by being engaging and informative. KPI reports are a great way to evaluate campaign success.