By Tom Ottaiano, CEO, Today’s Business

Consistency is one of our core values here at Today’s Business and I like to keep the team motivated by sending a Thursday Thought email every week that showcases a quote that really resonated with me. My goal is to get everyone pumped for the day and remind them to keep hustling.

The right quotes can jumpstart your motivation and help you refocus on what’s important. Check out my top ten that will help you tap into that drive you need to succeed today. Crushing your goals starts with that first ounce of motivation.

1. “Each day, life will send you little windows of opportunity. Your destiny will ultimately be defined by how you respond to these windows of opportunity.” -Robin S. Sharma

2. “The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person’s determination.” -Tommy Lasorda

3 .“Some people want it to happen, some people wish it would happen. Others make it happen.” -Michael Jordan

4. “No matter what happened yesterday, today is a chance to make tomorrow better. Make the most of the future and the present will be brighter.” -Chaz Cervino

5. “Champions don’t show up to get everything they want. They show up to give everything they have.” -Alexander Den Heijer

6. “Everyday is a hustle. Do I get tired? Yes. Do I give up? Never.” -Billy Ash

7. With hard work, there are no limits. -Michael Phelps

8. “If you want to make everyone happy don’t be a leader.” -Steve Jobs

9. “Creators never follow they just keep building. They lead with intention and forge out on new paths. They don’t all have the answers but they seek them through action. They don’t subscribe to the status quo because they are too busy making new rules. Creators create because they see endless opportunities, and that makes all the difference.” -Matt Gottesman

10.  “I don’t work, I build.” -Tom Ottaiano