New Republic

Welcome to the New Republic Affiliate Program

New Republic is a footwear brand that specializes in amazing business casual shoes. New Republic has a variety of footwear including boat shoes, chelsea boots, drivers, sneakers and more! With a variety of different styles, textures, and colors, you will have no problem finding the best shoe for you. With the New Republic brand you will receive a high quality and fashionable product that will enhance your style in no time. If you’re looking for luxury shoes without having to break the bank, New Republic is your solution! Pro Athletes like J.J Watt, Chris Paul, Chris Hogan and Baker Mayfield all rock these shoes, so dress like a pro with New Republic!
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New Republic Affiliate Program Benefits

Participating in the New Republic affiliate program as a publisher, you will earn one of the highest paid commissions in the footwear industry. The New Republic affiliate program is on the Awin affiliate network with the Program ID of 21910. By becoming an affiliate for New Republic you will receive a great deal of benefits, including: 

Base 2.5% RevShare Payout with Opportunity for Increase
30-Day Cookie Window
Custom Creatives Available Upon Requests (Text Links, Banners, etc.)Coupons
Branded Coupons
Dedicated Account Manager to Facilitate Any Request
Exclusive Offers Available for Increased Exposure
Promotional Opportunities
Opportunity to Receive Product for Review
Opportunity for Product Giveaways for Your Audience
Are you ready to join the New Republic affiliate program?

Target Audience

New Republic has a niche for men’s footwear and fashion. New Republic’s core audience are males who value timeless style and footwear that works for all occasions. If you have an audience that is male dominant then the New Republic affiliate program is a great way for you to monetize your traffic. However, even if you have a female audience, there is still an opportunity to earn through gift guides for him!
Ages 21-40
80% Men
20% women


United States

Examples of Top Performing Content Affiliates

Let’s Make Money Together!

The New Republic affiliate program is an excellent way to bring visitors to your website and earn a competitive commission on a variety of trendy and fashionable footwear for men and women. Are you ready to start earning revenue with the New Republic affiliate program? Sign up now!