|social media case study results|instagram reach ads|goal strategy results|Social Media Ad||||||||||||||

Over the course of 3 months with a $1500 budget, we were able to generate almost 200 leads through a comprehensive Facebook and Instagram campaign that successfully deployed multiple objectives contingent upon all phases of the social sales funnel, from awareness to consideration to conversion. Campaign Overview Industry Background A luxury apartment community came to […]

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Preface: Most of us will suffer an injury at some point in our lives, and if you’ve suffered from a traumatic injury such as a broken bone, chances are you’ll need to spend some time rehabbing your way back to the activities you enjoy most. Choosing a physical therapy provider is an important decision. For […]

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Preface Facebook has come a long way since it first burst on the digital scene in 2006. Starting primarily as a means for college and high school students to more effectively communicate with each other, Facebook is now entrenched as a legitimate and often lucrative tool for businesses to utilize.  Today’s Business, having started initially […]

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Making Business Social Grow Your Audience With Social Media Marketing ABOUTToday’s Business is different from all other companies who claim they “do social media.” Our experience working with diverse clients has enabled us to develop an effective strategy for any company in any industry, allowing us to become your social media wing. From creating custom graphics for […]

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