Did you know that by 2020 nearly half of the U.S. workforce will be millennials? That’s only four years from now! Believe it or not, millennials are taking over the world. Okay, maybe not the world, but we are definitely making our mark on the workplace. It may be that time to make some changes around the office. At Today’s Business we are way ahead of the game!

When you walk through the doors at Today’s Business you’ll definitely come across a few young faces. These individuals have a reason for sitting behind those desks. We are some of the most motivated and tech savvy people around! Here is how TB works to make our offices millennial friendly and in turn motivate all employees:

Staff Meetings with Bagels and Coffee

Yeah I know, every office has staff meetings. But not like TB! You don’t know what to expect at our meetings. Either the managing partners are motivating us on how much the company is growing or telling us how our hard work is paying off. Or better yet, we will have a surprise guest speaker like Marc Megna encouraging everyone to be their best self. (BTW- If you don’t know who Marc Megna is you should be googling him now. He’s a pretty big deal!) The delicious bagels and coffee give everyone something to look forward to first thing in the morning.

Team Bonding

The best part about having over 100 clients is that we can visit and support their businesses anytime! We love to visit some of our different clients for our team bonding events. Spending time with colleagues outside of work is the best way to build relationships. Our monthly team bonding events allow us to come together and simply have fun!


Group emails, Facebook groups and IMs, or just walking over to someone’s desk; you can pick any of these at TB! As you probably already know, communication is key and we’ve got that covered. Our supervisors and directors are open about coming to them about any concerns or even to share ideas. In some companies you won’t even get to see your CEO, but at TB, you’ll be sure to share a few high-fives!

Get Excited!

At TB FOOD is extremely popular! We encourage the team to take advantage of lunch break and bond with others. Whether it’s Bagel Wednesday or Sushi Friday, food always makes the day better! We also celebrate monthly birthdays, and try to find ways to spice up the work week.

Motivational Quotes

If you’re not receiving a weekly email from our CEO , you’ll find motivational quotes as you walk around the office. Our Thursday Thought emails arrive in our inbox with encouraging words from our CEO and it’s the perfect way to start the day! Already posted on our walls are some of the team’s favorite quotes. These are constant reminders to keep working hard!

Last, but Definitely not Least, Be Creative!

This is extremely important! There are many ways you can be creative. At TB there’s
spirit week, a TV/game lounge, and we even try to celebrate all holidays. This all comes together when the office space is creative and fun. At TB you don’t have to sit on your chair and desperately wait for 5:30pm to hit the clock. We make this a fun environment so that everyone wants to be at work, and in turn produces the best work for our company.


So there you have it! Start revamping your office because soon enough a few fresh faces might be walking through your door. With a positive outlook, your office will be more inviting to everyone.